Wednesday 21 September 2011

stressnya !

assalammualaikum . xnak jawab sudah (mood : tenga hangin sebab psg kipas num 5 . hur !)
xtau apa kena mengena gambaq ni dgn stress . aq hentam ja =.='

well , im going to write bout stress . a title which is familiar to all of us . ye lah kan , manada manusia y xpernah stress dlam hidup diorang . ada hidup , ada masalah , ada stress , tu baru dipanggil hidup beb . kalau tak , tak payah hidup . senang kan ? :)

we generally use the word "stress" when we feel that everything seems to have become too much - we are overloaded and wonder whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us . anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress . some stresses get you going and they are good for you . without any stress at all , our lives would be boring and you would probably feel pointless . alah , like i said before lah  , no stress , no life . ohsemm ! however , when the stresses undermine both our mental and physical health , they are bad . very very bad . stress sikit sikit sudah laa kan ? oh , sakitnya bila stress banyak2 =.=

when we are stress , these things happen :

  • blood pressure rises
  • breathing becomes more rapid
  • digestive system slows down (ada kena mengena ke ? adeih .)
  • heart rate (pulse) rises
  • immune system goes down
  • muscles becomes tense
  • you can't sleep

most of us have varying interpretations of what stress is about and what matters . some of us focus on what happen to us , such as breaking a bone or getting a promotion , while others think more about the event itself . what really matters are thoughts about the situations in which we find ourselves . yes , that's the matter actually .

the conclusion is :
stress is sometimes good to make our life becomes more interesting . but stress also makes us miserable , hurt , depressed , gila , and so on . so , kalau stress , perbanyakkan berzikir , mintak ampun banyak2 dgn yang Allah swt yang Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Pengampun (xtahu apa motif aq selit unsur zikir pulak) . oke , thankyou . bai .

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